For examples of pilot programs, please see the case studies on our website here. SustainCERT and Gold Standard are piloting the certification of reporting claims for GHG emission changes from interventions using the Value Chain Interventions Guidance. 

Piloting involves recognition that there may be some changes to approaches, requirements and assessment to accommodate first movers and develop an understanding of new areas of application of Gold Standard.

Expected Outputs
  • Pilot interventions can apply for Pilot Design and Performance Certification, depending on level of progress of the project assessed. This means that SustainCERT considers that the project is in line with Gold Standard for the Global Goals and relevant sections of the Value Chain Interventions Guidance while recognizing that there may be certain departures from normal requirements and processes, as noted above.
  • The outputs of the certification process will be a statement from Gold Standard outlining what has been certified and the results, outlining project activities, whether the activity is in Scope 3 boundary or not and the resulting emissions changes and amount of good/service impacted.
  • The lessons learned from piloting will directly influence both future iterations of the Value Chain Interventions Guidance and Gold Standard for the Global Goals.

The scope of pilot certification is limited, as described in the Terms of Reference, to the boundary of the targeted intervention. This means that the assessment will consider the actions and activities undertaken directly as part of the intervention, including how the Gold Standard principles of safeguarding, inclusivity and sustainable development relate to the specific interventions rather than to broader company efforts.